

This is my Evernote Take-Home project. Developed and tested with android. The released APK can be found in android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk

How it works

State is managed with Redux and we use a normalized version of playlists and songs then write actions/connectors to send data from the state store and retrieve it. The concat reducer is helpful for adding a generic element to an array.

For navigation, we use react-navigation and use our own custom header. For icons, we use react-native-vector-icons.


Running npm install will install of the required packages found in package.json.

npm install

You might need to run jetifier to migrate packages to AndroidX for react-native-gesture=handler on Android/iOS, so run npx jetify after installation.


To launch the release build for Android, run react-native run-android --variant=release with your Android phone plugged in with USB debugging enabled.


To launch, run npm start or yarn start, plug in your Android device and then run react-native run-android


To launch a basic rendering test suite run npm test or yarn test.

Future things to improve

  • Polished animations
  • Make the buttons have a larger boundary box for pressing
  • More tests (especially for Redux)
  • Utility functions like ellipsis for word wrapping
  • Separate styling into stylesheets (duh)