
TypeScript Qubic Library

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Qubic Typescript Library

A TS Library to communicate with the Qubic Network.


Install via NPM.

yarn add @qubic-lib/qubic-ts-library

TS Examples

// import helper
import { QubicHelper } from 'qubic-ts-library/dist/qubicHelper'

// create an id Package with private/public key and human readable address
const id = await helper.createIdPackage("alsdjflasjfdlasdjflkasdjflasdjlkdjsf");

Build a single JS File

yarn install
yarn webpack

Node Sample Applications


Test how to receive Balance from Network

Add the Ids to const ids = ["AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"]; in file test/requestBalance.js and:

yarn install
node test/requestBalance.js


Ultry light weight sample of an exchange integration to Qubic. It Can manage multiple users and to Deposits/Withdraws to one hot wallet.

This Implemenation is meant for demo purposes only!

How to run?

yarn install
node test/sample-exchange.js

The Exchange initializes itsself. Start it and it will create a file exchange.json. There you can find the Seeds used. If you do tests, save them anywhere.


Run tests with

yarn run test


publish with.

yarn build
yarn publish --access public


All Qubic Software is licensed unter the Anti Military License: https://github.com/qubic-network/license