vagrant up
will spin up a CentOS 7.4 desktop VM. This VM is a single node docker swarm mode cluster
(Optional) You will need to ensure that you have an SSH key pair available in ~/.ssh directory. This directory will be coppied to the guest VM
(Optional) You will need to ensure that you have ~/.aws/credentials file available on the host machine. ~/.aws directory will be coppied to the guest VM
The infrastructure created with Vagrantfile will have the following tools installed:
- Openjdk 1.8.0
- Maven 3.6.0
- Git (latest compatible version)
- Ansible (latest compatible version)
- Atom (latest Beta) along with numerous plugins. See "ansible/roles/install-atom-packages/vars/main.yml"
- Google Chrome (latest compatible version)
- Terraform v0.11.11
- Docker CE (latest compatible version)