
Code content from AnDevCon Boston 2014 Presentation "Building a Custom Camera Application"

Primary LanguageJava

AnDevCon 2014: "Building a Custom Camera Application"

This repository contains the Android project that I used for my AnDevCon Boston 2014 Presentation "Building a Custom Camera Application." I actually plan to clean-up the code and package some of the code in a library for re-use so please drop me a note if you are interested in that or any other features which I did not get a chance to discuss.

Project structure

So for demonstration purposes and for playing-around-with-gradle purposes, I created a different product flavor for each demo application. There are some flavors with minute changes and some which I did not actually use or both. For those demos that I actually reviewed today, you can install them via gradle as follow:

  1. Basic setup and picture taking: demonstration of camera setup, calling the Camera#takePicture method and displaying image data in an ImageView.
  • Flavor: basicPictureTaking
  • Main activity: BasicPictureTakingActivity.java
  • Build command: ./gradlew iBPTD
  1. Using CameraInfo to switch cameras: demonstration of how to query CameraInfo for the various cameras on a device and using info to find and switch between device cameras.
  • Flavor: basicCameraInfo
  • Main activity: BasicCameraInfoActivity.java
  • Build command: ./gradlew iBCID
  1. Dealing with activity orientation vs. camera/preview orientation.
  • Flavor: basicOrientation
  • Main activity: BasicOrientationActivity.java
  • Build command: ./gradlew iBOD
  1. Using Camera.Parameters to access device settings.
  • Flavor: basicParameters
  • Main activity: BasicParametersActivity.java
  • Build command: ./gradlew iBPD
  1. Implementing touch-to-focus with focus areas and Camera.Area.
  • Flavor: area
  • Main activity: CameraAreaActivity.java
  • Build command: ./gradlew iAD
  1. Using face detection.
  • Flavor: faceDetection
  • Main activity: FaceDetectionActivity.java
  • Build command: ./gradlew iFDD

Other classes

  • PreviewSurface: A SurfaceView class used in BasicParametersActivity and BasicOrientationActivity to consolidate SurfaceView-related logic.
  • Preview and PreviewOverlay: Views used in CameraAreaActivity and FaceDetectionActivity in lieu of a plain SurfaceView or PreviewSurface. Includes logic for capturing touch events and drawing on top of a camera preview.