Sample project showcasing some basic use cases for akka-http, as well as docker packaging via sbt-native-packager
clone the project and run: $ sbt docker:publishLocal
After generating the container (step above), run the container:
$ docker run -dit -p 5000:5000 --name akka-minimal-seed akka-http-docker-minimal-seed:1.0
You will get a response like this:
$ docker run -dit -p 5000:5000 --name akka-minimal-seed akka-http-docker-minimal-seed:1.0
Open address on a web browser: http://localhost:5000/healthcheck
To test using Postman, use this link:
To stop the container, run:
$ docker stop akka-minimal-seed
Async Http calls to external services
How to convert your models to/from JSON and also validate input
How to structure your akka-http application
How to package your app with docker so you can run it on any platform or environment including e.g. AWS (EC2, Beanstalk, etc)
How to extract values from the body of an Http Response and format it nicely
How to deal with error conditions