
Bristol uni course

General Idea

Index.html contains a basic game 15

We want a page to create and login a user that is saved to the embedded database ( SQL Lite folder contains files required to run such a db ) HTTP POST - Register(username, passwords) HTTP POST - Login(Username, password)

After a user is logged to the game page the game is shuffled into a random position. Then after each click on a square, a request is sent to the server: HTTP POST - Move(gameId, postionX, positionY, dateTime) - it should save the request to the Moves tables HTTP POST - GetLastMoves(gameId, moveCount) - returns all moves made with id larger than move count (for the multiplayer mode ) HTTP POST - SaveHighscore(gameId, totalMoves, totalTime) HTTP POST - GetHighscores() - returns sorted hihscores by time and moves

BONUS: Image splitting and some html 5 effects


To start node server

cd server

delete node_modules folder (if needed)

npm install

node server.js or (if using WebStorm)Menu > Run > Run 'server'


Postman collection here: https://www.getpostman.com/collections/f919b7fb43b8953833ff

Secondary Task

-Reuse USers and authentication

-change game to recipy with fields (id, recipyName, description, tip, timeRequired, recipyPictureLink as strings) remove game related names,

-implement POST SearchRecipy(String word) - returns list of of recipies with name containing (word) { recipyId, recipyName, recipyPictureLink }

-implment POST GET Recipy(RecipyId)- list of the columns of the table

-make it as different as possible to the previous project