
Bluetooth proximity and f.lux-like controller for Philips Hue lights

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


rhytHUEm is a customizable bluetooth proximity and color temperature (think f.lux) controller for Philips Hue lights built specifically for a Raspberry Pi.


  • Python 3
  • Pysolar (installed with pip3)
  • Bluetooth
  • Internet connection


  • Bluetooth proximity detection to turn lights on/off. Use any bluetooth device, no pairing required (for most devices).
  • Changes the color temperature of your lights throughout the day based on your location and the altitude of the Sun over the horizon. Smart enough to not override your settings if you make a change with another app. #HealthyCircadianRhythms
  • Unlimited number of devices can be used for proximity detection.

#HOW IT WORKS RhytHUEm pings your device(s) every 20 seconds when you're away. When your device is in range it will register you as "home". It then uses pysolar to determine the altitude of the sun in the sky based on the long/lat set in the config.py file and the time of day. It will send a PUT request to the light group you set in config.py with an updated color temperature. When you're registered as home, every three minutes it will 1) make sure your device is still in range 2) check to see if you've made any manual changes to your lights, and if not 3) update the color temperature of your lights. If you do make a manual change, RhytHUEm will stop making CT changes until you leave/come back. It does this every three minutes until you leave or bluetooth is turned off on your device. Once you're "away" RhytHUEm will turn off your lights and start pinging for your device(s) every 20 seconds until you return.

Key Items: RhytHUEm only scans for your device every 3 minutes after it turns your lights on. If you leave, it could take up to 2 minutes 59 seconds to turn your lights off. Give it time before you troubleshoot. Same for when you arrive - it could take up to 20 seconds once you've gotten in range. You can change these values easily in do.py.


  • Make sure you have your pi set to the correct time or else the color temperature of your lights will be off.
  • Clone the repo to your home directory

git clone https://github.com/quelleck/rhytHUEm/

  • Edit the rhythuem.service.TEMPLATE file so it has the correct path of your rhytHUEm directory, then save it without the .TEMPLATE extension. Copy rhythuem.service to /lib/systemd/system/ (May need to alter path if you didn't install in home dir)

sudo cp ~/rhytHUEm/rhythuem.service /lib/systemd/system/

-Make sure rhythuem.service has the correct permissions

sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/rhythuem.service

  • Run this command to get the script to start when you boot the pi

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

sudo systemctl enable rhythuem.service

  • Open rhythuem.ini.TEMPLATE file

nano ~/rhytHUEm/config/rhythuem.ini.TEMPLATE

-Add your Hue API key, device MAC address, longitude, latitude, and light group. Sun tracking can be turned on and off with true/yes or leave it blank. If you'd like to control a wemo switch with IFTTT, fill out the recipe names and API key or else leave them blank. Consult the Philips Hue developer pages to find this info if needed. Save it without the .TEMPLATE extension.

  • Install pysolar for tracking the sun

sudo pip3 install pysolar

You can use

sudo systemctl status rhythuem.service

to check on the status, start, and stop the service.

Pair Your Device

The best way by far is to do this through the bluetooth "Add Device" GUI. Depending on what type of device you have, RhytHUEm WILL NOT be able to ping until it's paired. Don't worry if the Pi says there are no available features for your device - the pair just has to be successful once. If you have an iPhone, you need to open the Bluetooth settings screen in the Settings app.


The rhythuem_check.sh script checks for the service and starts it if it's stopped. I have it set up as a cron job that runs every 5 minutes as a safety net in case of a crash.

contact info: ethan.seyl@gmail.com