The most simple RPG dice roller in go. As simple as fuck, change my mind
Dude, why not?
package main
func main() {
println(dice.MustRoll("d6")) // like 1d6
println(dice.MustRoll("d%")) // like 1d100
println(dice.MustRoll("1d1")) // always 1 you know
println(dice.MustRoll("1d17")) // or any you want number
println(dice.MustRoll("2d6")) // roll twice, will got [2,12] inclusive
Honestly, i don't give a fuck to this package, but i'll approve any PR that you submit
My wishes:
- Support "1d6+2" evaluations
- best-of, worst-of (like "b3d6" and "w5d10" or SLT)
- ehmmm, multiple dices? like "d%-5d6"
Come on, create PR!
You fucking kidding? This package is one structure, two funcs and 5 test cases! Don't mind, want patent it — go on, corpo freak