
Get your SoundCloud RSS Feed!

Primary LanguageRuby


A ruby library to generate RSS feed for your SoundCloud account.


  • Generate an RSS feed featuring the "incoming tracks" of your account dashboard (see the /me/activities API documentation).
    • Permanent link to the track on SoundCloud.
    • Track's title and creator's name.
    • Track's artwork.
    • Track's description.
    • Embedded MP3 streaming URL when available.


  1. Clone this repository.

    git clone git://github.com/quentin/soundcloud-rss-ruby.git

  2. optional but recommanded Create a vendors directory.

    cd soundcloud-rss-ruby mkdir vendors

  3. Get soundcloud-ruby and its dependencies.
    recommanded clone the git-hub repository to get the last version of the sources, in the vendors directory you just created at step 2.

    git clone git://github.com/soundcloudlabs/soundcloud-ruby.git vendors/soundcloud-ruby

  4. Install the soundcloud-ruby dependencies.

    gem install httmultiparty hashie


It is a best practice to have the configuration stored in a file:

  1. Copy .soundrssrc to your home directory -- cp .soundrssrc ~/
  2. Set your SoundCloud username and password in the file
  3. Protect the file -- chmod u+rw,go-rwx ~/.soundrssrc

Or you can also set environment variables, using the prefix SOUNDRSS_:

  1. Set a username -- export SOUNDRSS_USERNAME=yourusername
  2. Set a password -- export SOUNDRSS_PASSORD=yourpassword

An other way to configure SoundcloudRSS is to pass options when you initialize a SoundcloudRSS object:

  • s = SoundcloudRSS.new({:username => 'yourusername', :password => 'yourpassword'})

Run on your linuxbox

  1. run ruby -rubygems examples/servlet/servlet.rb (add -Ipath/to/soundcloud-ruby/lib if your soundcloud-ruby copy is not in the vendors directory)
  2. enjoy [http://localhost:8080/soundrss]

Add to Netvibes

Simply add the public URL of your linuxbox feed and be ready to wait at least one hour between each update.