
A French Discord Bot who check user status

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A bot that send alerts in a defined channel when slected bots are down.

Invite link: Click here

Warning: You need to enable the PRESENCE INTENT and the SERVER MEMBERS INTENT intents in the developer page of your bot.


You need Node.JS v16.6.0 or higher and npm installed.

Setup and launch

Rename the file config.json.exemple to config.json and the file .env.exemple to .env

Configuration options (config.json file)

    "prefix": "YOUR_PREFIX", // prefix of message commands
    "interval_check_in_second": 15, // interval between check in second, default : 15
    "bot_server": "SERVER_ID", // server id where bots are in to check them.
    "whitelistUsers": ["USERS", "ID"] // whitelised user list to use some admin only command

Enviroment config



Run node index.js in a cmd open in the folder of the bot


  • Multi-channel support
  • Adding the choice of the bots that are supervised
  • Multi-language support