Workshop Golang & MongoDB (2 Hrs)


Install Requirement


  1. Golang v1.19 หรือสูงกว่า
  2. Mongodb
  3. Mongodb Compass เอาไว้ต่อ Mongodb
  4. Visual Studio Code
  5. Docker Desktop (optional)  

============= Agenda =============


1. Introduction Golang (10 min)

3. Break (10 min)

4. Go Workshop from sourcecode (50 min)

5. Go and Docker (10 min)

6. End Session / Q&A / HomeWork (10 min)



  • เพิ่มเส้น Company Profile โดยทำแบบ CRUD
  • กำหนดเส้น middleware ส่วน insert/update ให้ทำการเช็ค http header X-Api-Key โดยค่าจะต้องเท่ากับ my-gosoft-password ถ้าไม่ใช่ค่าตัวนี้ ให้ส่งข้อความมาบอกว่า invalid API Key พร้อมทั้ง http status 401
  • กำหนดให้ค่าที่เก็บ company profile ดังนี้
  • {companyId: "109",companyName: "Gosoft",employeeAmt: 100,companyStatus: 1}



  • MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, it is a design pattern that separates the logic of a software application into three interconnected components: the Model, the View, and the Controller.

  • The Model represents the data and the business logic of the application. It is responsible for handling and manipulating the data, and it communicates with the database.

  • The View is responsible for displaying the data to the user. It is the user interface of the application, and it receives data from the Model to display it to the user.

  • The Controller is responsible for handling the user's actions and requests. It receives user input from the View and communicates with the Model to update the data or retrieve information.

  • The three components are connected and interact with each other, but they have separate responsibilities and can be developed and tested independently. This separation of concerns allows for more maintainable and scalable code.