
Secure Scuttlebutt porcelain for emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Secure Scuttlebutt for Emacs

What is scuttlebutt?!

Learn more at scuttlebutt


  • Put the ssb_emacs.el file where the sun don't shine.

Usage and Commands

Render via Patchfoo and EWW

Interactive Command Description
M-x ssb-start-patchfoo Starts Patchfoo server process
M-x ssb-eww-patchfoo Opens up localhost via eww browser
M-x ssb-stop-patchfoo Stops patchfoo process

Render via emacs (work in progress)

Interactive Command Description
M-x ssb-start-server Starts sbot server process
M-x ssb-stop-server Stops sbot server process
M-x ssb-whoami gets id
M-x ssb-join-pub Join a pub with code
M-x ssb-quick-message Send a one line message

There are functions for viewing and creating longer messages, but they are still being ironed out. Pull requests welcome.

...more to come