
An easy-to-use pastebin for self-hosters.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



My turn on creating a simple pastebin.


  • overview of notes / full-text search
  • expiry of notes after some time (or never if desired)
  • adjustable visibility of notes (exposure)
  • client-side encryption of content
  • dark mode
  • easy setup, single binary
    • zero knowledge required about the build tools, frameworks or programming language I chose

BinPastes Demo


Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)


  • JDK 21+
  • MySQL 8+

Just put the JDK somewhere on your file system. The bin folder contains the java binary.

How to configure

For productive use with MySQL copy application-mysql.properties and configure it according to your infrastructure. Make sure to place it next to the binpastes.jar binary before run.

How to build

For productive use with MySQL run:

./mvnw clean package -Denv=mysql # results in backend/build/binpastes.jar

How to run

For productive use with MySQL run:

java -Dspring.profiles.active=mysql -jar binpastes.jar


I'd like to thank the creator of the original PasteBin in general and the authors of sticky-notes and Paste in particular for their work and efforts in crafting FOSS pastebins for self-hosting. I used and enjoyed your tools for quite some years, I even maintained them running on newer PHP versions for as long as I could.