
  1. Create .env file in the root folder and copy the content of .env.dist into it (cat .env.dist > .env)

💫 Welcome! 🎉

Data Models


A profile can be either a client or a contractor. clients create contracts with contractors. contractor does jobs for clients and get paid. Each profile has a balance property.


A contract between and client and a contractor. Contracts have 3 statuses, new, in_progress, terminated. contracts are considered active only when in status in_progress Contracts group jobs within them.


contractor get paid for jobs by clients under a certain contract.

APIs To Implement

Below is a list of the required API's for the application.

  1. GET /contracts/:id - This API is broken 😵! it should return the contract only if it belongs to the profile calling. better fix that!

  2. GET /contracts - Returns a list of contracts belonging to a user (client or contractor), the list should only contain non terminated contracts.

  3. GET /jobs/unpaid - Get all unpaid jobs for a user (either a client or contractor), for active contracts only.

  4. POST /jobs/:job_id/pay - Pay for a job, a client can only pay if his balance >= the amount to pay. The amount should be moved from the client's balance to the contractor balance.

  5. POST /balances/deposit/:userId - Deposits money into the the the balance of a client, a client can't deposit more than 25% his total of jobs to pay. (at the deposit moment)

  6. GET /admin/best-profession?start=<date>&end=<date> - Returns the profession that earned the most money (sum of jobs paid) for any contactor that worked in the query time range.

  7. GET /admin/best-clients?start=<date>&end=<date>&limit=<integer> - returns the clients the paid the most for jobs in the query time period. limit query parameter should be applied, default limit is 2.

        "id": 1,
        "fullName": "Reece Moyer",
        "paid" : 100.3
        "id": 200,
        "fullName": "Debora Martin",
        "paid" : 99
        "id": 22,
        "fullName": "Debora Martin",
        "paid" : 21