
Approximate trigonometry and quaternion rotation

Primary LanguageHaskell


Some notes involving stereographic projections of the circle and sphere.



Notebook of symbolic manipulations involving quaternions.


GeoGebra document demonstrating stereographic sphere and tangent plane at a point. Shows normal and tangent vectors at the point and demonstrates the "hairiness" of a sphere.

Approximate Trig/stereographic_trig.ggb

GeoGebra document demonstrating approximations for sine and cosine based on complex expression for a circle. Includes interpolation which improves accuracy to around 1%.

Approximate Trig/stereo_math.c

C program which tests speed of default implementations of sin and cos against the approximations derived in the above GeoGebra document.

Approximate Trig/stereo_complex.c

C program which tests speed of default implementation of cexp against the approximations derived in the above GeoGebra document.


Sub-project: a 3D viewer written from scratch in Haskell using SDL. Uses the approximations derived above in conjunction with quaternions to create an image of a projection of 3D space.