
Discord client that runs in neovim

Primary LanguagePython


vimcord: a Vim plugin for discord

Feature List

  • Messages from unmuted channels displayed in buffer with appropriate name coloring
  • Direct replies
  • Member @ completion when writing replies
  • Drag-and-drop image uploads
  • Link previews from OpenGraph
  • Intelligent link openers depending on media content
  • Airline integration



Place the following in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim:

Plugin 'queue-miscreant/vimcord'  {'do': 'UpdateRemotePlugins'}

Make sure the file is sourced and run :PluginInstall.


Requires the following Python packages:

  • pynvim
  • aiohttp
  • websockets

Optional Dependencies

The following programs are the default openers for media content. Different ones can be used by the user, so they are not strictly required.

  • Python:
    • requests
  • mpv
  • feh


The plugin comes with an older version of Rapptz's discord library, with some minor modifications. It includes some small compatibility fixes to work with later versions of asyncio (probably destroying what little compatibility it implemented at the time) as well as implementing message references. It's supplied here because it still supports logging in via username and password and it's what I'm most familiar with.



The main command. Attempts to use credentials in global variables (g:vimcord_discord_username, g:vimcord_discord_password) to log in. If these variables are empty or not set, the user is prompted for them before initiating the connection; afterward, the values are destroyed.

When a connection is made, two windows will be opened: one containing a Discord buffer and a buffer for composing messages (the "reply buffer").

The Discord buffer contains all messages received from unmuted channels from Discord. At this point, there isn't a way to show the contents of muted channels. This may change in the future, but it's done to keep the amount of noise in the window to a minimum. See "keybinds" for more.

The reply buffer is normally unenterable. Bindings from the Discord buffer will place the cursor within its window in order to type a message.


Kills the Discord daemon and closes Discord windows. At the moment, this isn't supported very well. Use this at your own caution.


Message buffer

Key(s) Mnemonic Explanation
i insert message Enters the reply buffer, targeting the channel of the message currently under the cursor
I Insert reply Like i, but marks the message under the cursor as a reference (i.e., a discord reply)
r, R replace message Attempts to retrieve the message under the cursor for editing and enters the reply buffer. Does not work if you are not the author of the post.
X, D Delete message Attempts to delete the message under the cursor. These are shifted characters to unintentional deletions.
C Cend DM Enter the reply buffer, targetting a direct message with the post's author
<c-t> (ctrl-t) Prompts the user for a channel name, as in the webapp's ctrl-t shortcut. When an existing channel is selected, enters the reply buffer targeting the channel.
A Append message Functions similarly to <c-t>, but with unmuted channels only.
<c-r> Refresh Attempt to reconnect to Discord, refreshing the client and websocket connections.
gW get When Displays the post time of the message under the cursor
K k message Go to the message above the current one
J j message Go to the message below the current one
gx Go links Attempts to open the word under the cursor as a link. Uses the currently-set link openers (see configuration)
<c-g> (See above) Attempt to open the first link before the current cursor position using the same method as gx.
<a-g> (See above) Attempt to open the first link before the current cursor position. Additional media content set on the message is opened, instead of the actual link.
<enter> Enter reference Attempt to find the referenced message in the buffer, then move the cursor to the line containing it

Note: after "entering" the reply buffer, you will be in insert mode in its window.

Reply buffer

Key(s) Mnemonic Explanation
<c-c> Cancel Returns the cursor to the previous window. Works in normal and insert mode.
<enter> Submit Submit the message using the means supplied when the buffer was entered. I.e., send or edit the message. Works in normal and insert modes. If you want to insert a newline, use <s-enter> instead.
@ At user Starts completion based on the members of the channel currently targetted. <tab> and <s-tab> can be used to navigate this list. Only works in insert mode.

Note that leaving the reply buffer for any reason will cause its contents to be deleted and the reply action (send message, edit) to be forgotten.


g:vimcord_discord_username, g:vimcord_discord_password

Login credentials for discord. It goes without saying that exposing these in your .vimrc is dangerous and inadvisable.

Rather than plain text, these may also be specified in base64 by prefacing the base64 string with b64:. This only makes it harder to read at a glance, and does not confer any security benefits.


The minimum number of inserted characters for which the reply buffer can recognize that a file has been dragged-and-dropped to test for a filename. When less than or equal to zero, disables, events in the reply buffer which check for pastes are not bound.

Default value is 8 (enabled).


The number of spaces inserted before message contents. The author of a message is displayed on a separate line, with only one space prior. Runtime changes will not be applied to old messages.

Default value is 4. Minimum value is 1.


Whether or not to enable link previews. This mimics content displayed in the Discord webapp, but without images.

Default value is 1 (enabled).


The number of channels to display as suggestions when searching them by name.

Default value is 10.


Vim queries the plugin for its current Discord connection/login status periodically. This is number of seconds between each query.

Default value is 60 (1 minute).


Command name or path to executable to use to open image links.

Default value is feh.


Command name or path to executable to use to open video links.

Default value is mpv.


List of patterns which, when matched by a link, will be opened as an image when using gx or ctrl-g.

Default values is an empty list.


List of patterns which, when matched by a link, will be opened as a video when using gx or ctrl-g.

Default value supports links from YouTube and TikTok.


List of MIME types which, when matched by the Content-Type header (acquired by HEAD) of a link, will be opened as an image when using gx or ctrl-g.

Default value is ["image/png", "image/jpeg"]


List of MIME types which, when matched by the Content-Type header (acquired by HEAD) of a link, will be opened as a video when using gx or ctrl-g.

Default value is ["image/gif", "video/.*"]


See the helpdoc for information regarding highlights.


  • Planned soon

    • Make <c-g> and <a-g> better
      • Show all "media" (such as previews and opengraph videos) with the latter, not just opengraph images
    • Closing reply buffer just hides it
    • Color @s (from raw content)
    • Fuzzier member search (nicknames)
    • Discord disconnection does not appear to change client state (displayed in statusline)
  • Unplanned - maybe soon?

    • Display user connection status (sign column tricks?)
    • Deleting the first of two messages by the same author also deletes the author (the first line of the first message)
      • requires the buffer knowing about Discord
    • Sorting the main buffer based on message channel id
      • Difficult because of extmarks
  • Future work

    • Per-channel buffers: keep main accumulator, but extras can be opened (especially for muted channels)
    • Syntax for discord pseudo-markdown
    • Alternate display mode using virt_lines_leftcol for post authors