
Template for multi-packages repository

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Template for multi-packages repository.

It provides specific features for React, e.g. :


Run commit script to create a git commit.

It uses git-cz and respect Conventional Commit specification.

n.b. lint-staged run linters (cf. .lintstagedrc file) on pre-commit hook (cf. precommit script).



Run prettier script to format all files.

It uses prettier and rules specified in the .prettierrc file.

Besides, use the Prettier editor integration.

e.g. For Visual Studio Code :

Search for Prettier - Code formatter.


Run lint script to lint all files.

It uses eslint and config from :

Build the packages

Run build script to build packages.

It uses lerna and rollup to build simultaneously all packages in packages/ folder.

Browse Storybook

  1. Run storybook script
  2. Browse localhost:9001/
