Go-connect4 is a Go implementation of the board game Connect4.
Check out connect4.quibbble.com to play a live version of this game. This website utilizes connect4 frontend code, go-connect4 game logic, and go-quibbble server logic.
To play a game create a new Connect4 instance:
builder := Builder{}
game, err := builder.Create(&bg.BoardGameOptions{
Teams: []string{"TeamA", "TeamB"}, // must contain at least 2 and at most 3 teams
To place a disk do the following action:
err := game.Do(&bg.BoardGameAction{
Team: "TeamA",
ActionType: "PlaceDisk",
MoreDetails: PlaceDiskActionDetails{
Column: 0, // columns 0 to 6 are valid
To get the current state of the game call the following:
snapshot, err := game.GetSnapshot("TeamA")