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Quartz Studios Website

The website for quartz studios.

How to contribute (abridged)

  1. Fork the repo and clone it locally
  2. Download npm if you don't have it already (and maybe yarn?)
  3. Start up a dev server with yarn dev
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. Pages should update automagically after you change something.
  5. Open a pull and describe what you changed.

Things to note

  • We use tailwindcss. Please use that instead of making new css classes. If you make a new css class, use tailwind's @apply feature if you can.
  • For people not familiar with react, you need to use className= in place of class=.
  • Use <Link> (import it with import Link from "next/link").
  • We also have heroicons so use that instead of importing actual SVG's. View the docs here.