
Docker image to check if new Quicklisp dist update exists

Primary LanguageShell


Docker image to check if new Quicklisp dist update exists.
If found a new one, it creates a new GitHub deployment to invoke the Quickdocs update process.


It runs a script in a Docker container and quit.

$ docker run --rm -it -e GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx quickdocs/check-for-update

This image is meant to be executed periodically with swarm-cronjob.

$ docker service create --name swarm-cronjob \
  --mount type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock \
  --env "LOG_LEVEL=info" \
  --env "LOG_JSON=false" \
  --constraint "node.role == manager" \

$ docker service create --name quickdocs-check-for-update \
  --restart-condition none \
  --replicas 0 \
  --label swarm.cronjob.enable=true \
  --label "swarm.cronjob.schedule=* */1 * * *" \
  --label swarm.cronjob.skip-running=false \
  -e GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxx \