Python RabbitMQ demo for cloudfoundry


The only setup required is to create a rabbitmq service in your org/space within cloudfoundry.


  • If the rabbitmq service is named something other than p-rabbitmq in the marketplace, you will need to update the manifest file with your marketplace service name.
  • You will need to give the service the name rmq-demo; if you name it anything different, you will need to update your manifest.


Deploying an app

  • Take a look at the folder structure and the manifest
    • Notice that all connection info variables are environment variables
  • Call out the services and the manifest variables
  • Try the push
  • Create the services for the apps
  • Try the push
  • Show healthchecks
  • Hit api to generate message


  • Simulate slow receiver, then scale!
  • Show GUI
  • Kill the GUI!
  • That's not good, scale up?
  • TADA! Highlander mode! We can kill one instance of the GUI but us as a customer don't see the site go down.

Helpful stuff

Sample Commands

  • cf create-service p-rabbitmq standard rmq-demo - create a rabbitmq service

Custom message call


    "message": "Some cool message!"

Custom message call with lag


   "message":"You look tired, you should sleep for a few...",