
Hiera hierarchy module for templating `hiera.yaml`

Primary LanguageRuby

Hiera Puppet


This module configures Hiera for Puppet. The modules also provides hiera_declare_types which allows you to map type definitions to nodes much like hiera_include for classes.


This class will write out a hiera.yaml file in either /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml or /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml (depending on if the node is running Puppet Enterprise or not).

class { 'hiera':
  hierarchy => [

The resulting output in /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml:

:backends: - yaml
:logger: console
  - "%{environment}/%{calling_class}"
  - "%{environment}"
  - common

   :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata


Assigns built-in and user-defined resource types to a node. Built-in types require conventional keys in hiera, whereas users may specify the key to be used to look for user-defined resource types to declare. Individual type declarations also have a conventional key notation. Note: Currently no support for default

To use hiera_declare_types, the following configuration is required:

  • A key name to use for types e.g. types (The default is types, so you only need to pass a value if you want it to be different)
  • 2 lines in the puppet sites.pp file (e.g. /etc/puppet/manifests/sites.pp). Since this is currently packaged as a module, include the module include hiera, then call hiera_declare_types([]). Note that this line must be outside any node definition and below any top-scope variables in use for Hiera lookups. You can call hiera_declare_types before or after hiera_include. Also note that an anonymous array has been passed as hiera_declare_types is currently implemented in a module rather than the puppet core.
  • Node keys in the appropriate data sources. For built in types, the convention is hiera_<type>, so for the file type, it would be hiera_file, for exec, hiera_exec and so on. In a data source keyed to a node's role, one might have:
         path: /var/lib/hiera-node-type-demo.txt
         ensure: file
         content: 'Hiera node/type mappings rule!'

You can declare as many types as you want in this way. Note that you can use the hierachy and have similar definitions in other data sources. If for example you have a default data source that defines another file type

         path: /opt/custom-software
         ensure: directory
         mode: '0755'

all of these file declarations will be made by hiera_declare_types! Lastly, you can declare user-defined resource types. For example, a mysql module may define a mysql::db type. To declare these with hiera_declare_types([]) you might have

        - mysql::db
      # Use the same underscore convention and prefix with `hiera_` as with built-in types
         user: app_admin
         password: ^s0s3cur3$
         host: localhost
           - all