
API script for quota management.

Primary LanguagePython

Automatically Create Alert App Packs Via Script


The essentials

  • Run this API script to create Alert App Pack rules for ALL projects within an org.
  • ⚠️ Use the script carefully; it will create alerts for every project in an org. With great power... 🕸️
    • A good future feature for this would be to be able to pass it a list of projects to create alerts for.

Other things to know

  • The alerts are created without being assigned any teams. SEs or customers will need to assign teams.
  • The alerts are created with zero actions. SEs will need to encourage customers to add actions (i.e. set up an email/slack notification)
  • Alert creation via the script is idempotent, i.e. you can run the script as many times as you want and it will not create duplicate alerts.

Initial Setup

To setup the python env for this script:

  1. Create env - python3 -m venv env
  2. Activate venv - source env/bin/activate
  3. Install requirements - pip install -r ./requirements.txt


Prior to running create_alerts.py, you can configure the following fields in the config.properties file:

  1. ORG_NAME= <org name> - This should be assigned to your Organization Slug, found under Settings --> General Settings.

  2. AUTH_KEY= <auth_key> - Your org level auth key can be found under Settings --> Developer Settings --> Internal Integrations.

    a. If you don't have Internal Integrations set up, select New Internal Integrations and provide a Name for your integration.

    b. The Project and Organization permissions should be set to Read & Write. Screen Shot 2021-05-17 at 2 29 02 PM

    c. Once the above fields have been configured, click on Save Changes.

    d. This should redirect you to your Internal Integrations page with a token. This token is your org level auth key.

  3. CRITICAL=10000 - Critical threshold is set in the config file. No need to modify this value.

  4. WARNING=8000 - Warning threshold is set in the config file. No need to modify this value.

  5. SLEEP_TIME=<milliseconds> - When updating sleep time, please provide this value in milliseconds.

  6. ALERT_RULE_SUFFIX=_quota_limit - If you would like to rename the alert rule suffix, this can be done in the config file.

Run Script

Create Alerts for All Projects

`$ python3 create_alerts.py`

Confirm Alert Creation

  1. To confirm via UI navigate to the Alerts page to view the created alerts.
  2. By running python3 create_alerts.py a second time you can confirm if the alert already exists. (Check the log file for "alert already exists for + [project name]!")

Debug and Logging

After running the script you will see a log file created with the following naming convention - alert_logfile_{current_datetime}.log

Potential error and info logs will be displayed here.

Adding New Alerts to the Script

You can add new alerts to the script. Add them to the relevant ISSUE_ALERTS or METRIC_ALERTS constant. To successfully create a metric alert make sure each project has at least one team assigned to it!