
Tkinter-based GUI for Stable Diffusion on Windows with AMD GPU

Primary LanguagePython

Stable Diffusion Tkinter GUI

This is a quickly hacked-together Tkinter-based GUI for running Stable Diffusion in Windows with an AMD GPU.

You must first set up a Python virtual environment, install the dependencies, and get/convert the Stable Diffusion Model to Onnx format.

Stable Diffusion Windows AMD Guides:

Next, there is a small tweak you need to make to virtualenv\Lib\site-packages\diffusers\pipelines\stable-diffusion\pipeline_stable_diffusion_onny.py

Change line 133 from:

sample=latent_model_input, timestep=np.array([t]), encoder_hidden_states=text_embeddings


sample=latent_model_input, timestep=np.array([t], dtype=np.int64), encoder_hidden_states=text_embeddings

Reference: https://www.travelneil.com/stable-diffusion-updates.html

Finally, you need to install scipy (to use the LMSDiscreteScheduler):

pip install scipy

Configuring/Using the GUI

Once you have a working Stable Diffusion setup (confirmed with the basic test scripts from the guides), you should be able to use this GUI.

Copy/rename text2img_ui.cfg.template to text2img_ui.cfg, and set the output_path value to your desired image save location.

After that, run python text2img_ui.py (make sure you do so from the venv you set up previously)

Advantages/features of this GUI:

  • Generate more than one image in a row, without having to re-initialize the pipline each time
  • Select between the three known working Schedulers
  • It saves a .txt file with each image, containing all the settings used to generate the image (Prompt, Seed, Inference Steps, Guidance Scale, Scheduler) for future reference