
An encoding of the operator structure of TLA into lambda calculus

Primary LanguageOCaml

This is an encoding of TLA into lambda calculus. We have types
 Tt for states, Ts for streams of states, Ti for values (i.e. sets) and To for
 booleans. A TLA expression is of type Ts > Tt > Ti : it is a function
 which takes the stream of followup states and the current state t and returns
 the value of the expression for this behaviour. In the following, we will use
 t_rho for the type of an expression. We also provide two constants head:Ts>Tt
 and tail:Ts>Ts on state streams. As their name suggests, they represent
 extraction of the first element and the suffix of a stream, but since we only
 encode TLA expressions as lambda terms, there is no axiomatization of the two

A constant expression disregards the complete behaviour and always returns
 the same value i.e. it is a term λ_ λ_ c. Likewise, a variable is a function
 from states to values which is independent of the follow-up states, i.e. it is
 the term λ_ v. The difference to the term before is that c has type Ti
 and v has type Tt > Ti. Priming an expression exp evaluates it on the stream
 tail s and the current state head s i.e. the corresponding term is
 λnext λt (exp (tail next) (head next)).
 Since only a constant operator can have arguments, an operator application
 evaluates the n arguments on next and t and applies those on the value level
 to c: the type of c is therefore Ti>...>Ti and the corresponding term is:
  λarg1...λargnλnext λt ((...(c (arg1 next t))... (argn next t)). The
 enabled operator introduces a new followup behaviour and is similar to the HOL
 encoding of quantifiers. The difference is that it returns a TLA expression,
 no Boolean. This is caused by the untypedness of TLA. Enabled then corresponds
 to the term  λ_ λt EN λs (exp s t) where EN is a (global) constant of type