
A lightweight Javascript Reverse Proxy built with Cloudflare Workers.

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Rocket Booster is the edge-rendered speed booster for web applications, storage platforms, and RESTful APIs. It's a reverse proxy that sits in front of web servers, intercepting requests from clients.

  • Performance: Deploy to a network of data centers powered by Cloudflare.
  • Serverless: No VMs, no servers, and no containers to spin up or manage.
  • Optimization: Minify HTML/CSS/JS files, compress images, cache static assets.
  • Cross-Origin: Add necessary CORS headers to the proxied response.
  • Firewall: Block traffics from specific IP addresses, countries, or User-Agent.
  • Network: Enable HTTPS, HTTP/3 (with QUIC), TLS 1.3, and IPv6 for web applications.
  • Load Balance: Distribute incoming traffics evenly among different servers.

Build and Deploy

  1. Install Wrangler CLI
npm install @cloudflare/wrangler -g
  1. Generate from rocket-booster-template
wrangler generate booster https://github.com/rocket-booster/rocket-booster-template
  1. Install dependencies
cd booster

npm install
  1. Authenticate Wrangler with a Cloudflare API Token
wrangler login

wrangler config
  1. Edit src/index.js to configure Rocket Booster

  2. Build and publish to Cloudflare Workers

wrangler build

wrangler publish



  • domain: The domain name of the upstream server.
  • protocol: The protocol scheme of the upstream server. (Optional)
  • port: The port of the upstream server. (Optional)
  • path: The path of the upstream server. (Optional)
  • timeout: The maximum wait time on a request to the upstream server. (Optional)
const config = {
  upstream: {
    domain: 'en.wikipedia.org',
    protocol: 'https',
    port: 443,
    path: '/',
    timeout: 10000,
  /* ... */

To load balance HTTP traffic to a group of servers, pass an array of server objects to upstream. Each request will be passed to a randomly selected server.

const config = {
  upstream: [
      domain: 's1.example.com',
      protocol: 'https',
      domain: 's2.example.com',
      protocol: 'https',
      domain: 's3.example.com',
      protocol: 'https',
  /* ... */


  • minify: Remove unnecessary characters (like whitespace, comments, etc.) from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.
  • mirage: Detect screen size and connection speed to optimally deliver images for the current browser window.
const config = {
  /* ... */
  optimization: {
    mirage: true,
    minify: {
      javascript: true,
      css: true,
      html: true,

Several optimizations are enabled by default.

  • Brotli: Speed up page load times for visitor’s HTTPS traffic by applying Brotli compression.
  • HTTP/2: Improve page load time by connection multiplexing, header compression, and server push.
  • HTTP/3 with QUIC: Accelerate HTTP requests by using QUIC, which provides encryption and performance improvements compared to TCP and TLS.
  • 0-RTT Connection Resumption: Improve performance for clients who have previously connected to the website.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

  • origins: The origins to allow requests from.
  • methods: The methods which the origins are allowed to access.
  • allowHeaders: Headers to accept from the client.
  • exposeHeaders: Give explicit permissions for the client to read headers in CORS responses.
  • credentials: Inject the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header in responses.
  • maxAge: Specify the value in seconds for how long the response to the preflight request can be cached for.
const config = {
  /* ... */
  cors: {
    origins: [
    methods: [
    allowHeaders: [
    exposeHeaders: [
    credentials: true,
    maxAge: 86400,


  • Feature Request: Create an issue with the Feature request template.
  • Bug Reports: Create an issue with the Bug report template.
  • Improvements to the booster.js: Fork the repository, edit code, deploy it to Cloudflare Workers, and then create a pull request.
  • Add Config Examples: Fork the repository, write an example config for any website, save it to the examples directory, and then create a pull request.

Current contributors


Support Rocket Booster

We accept donations through these channels:

  • Buy Me a Coffee
  • Bitcoin: 1Eb4n6eEyyKjbu3feA9oAQAnZo1K46UvXN
  • Ethereum: 0x16145d98625c0b2aa265773970ca090bf783d5ae