
⚠️ Deprecated

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This repository is no longer updated

This repository has been merged into Cloudera Demo Environment.

Please use Cloudera Demo Environment.

Cloudera Data Science Workbench Demo Environment

Install scripts of Cloudera Data Science Workbench (CDSW) with CDH secure cluster on cloud. This is for Demo purposes only. Don't use for production.

Note: Please use the stable releases instead of master. https://github.com/takabow/cdsw-demo-env/releases/

  • These scripts install and deploy the following environment automatically.

    • Cloudera Data Science Workbench 1.3.0 (Trial)
      • Parcel Installation
    • Cloudera Enterprise 5.14.0 (Trial)
    • MIT-KDC
    • DNS configuration for CDSW (by Dnsmasq and xip.io)
  • I only tested on following environments

    • AWS ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo) region
    • Cloudera Director 2.7.0 on Mac


How to use

  1. You need to install Cloudera Director Server/Client on your localhost and accessible by localhost:7189

  2. Copy your-aws-info.conf.template and create your own your-aws-info.conf with

  1. Set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID/AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and run cloudera-director bootstrap-remote command. It takes about 30 minutes.
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-aws-access-key>
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-aws-secret>
$ cloudera-director bootstrap-remote cdsw-secure-cluster.conf --lp.remote.username=admin --lp.remote.password=admin --lp.remote.hostAndPort=localhost:7189

Note Only one cluster can be creted on the same network same time using this script. Because bootstrap-configure-network.sh script using nmap tricks to identify the CM (KDC) node during the bootstrapping phase. For the same reason, using this script in a large network (e.g. /16) is bad idea.

  1. ./get_cluster_ip.sh <cluster.conf> provides the connection information to the environment. See also the following Example section.

  2. To terminate this environment, run cloudera-director terminate-remote command.

$ cloudera-director terminate-remote cdsw-secure-cluster.conf --lp.remote.username=admin --lp.remote.password=admin --lp.remote.hostAndPort=localhost:7189


$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-aws-access-key>
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-aws-secret>

$ cloudera-director bootstrap-remote cdsw-secure-cluster.conf --lp.remote.username=admin --lp.remote.password=admin --lp.remote.hostAndPort=localhost:7189
Process logs can be found at /usr/local/Cellar/cloudera-director-client/2.7.0/libexec/logs/application.log
Plugins will be loaded from /usr/local/Cellar/cloudera-director-client/2.7.0/libexec/plugins
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256M; support was removed in 8.0
Cloudera Director 2.7.0 initializing ...
Connecting to http://localhost:7189
Current user roles: [ROLE_READONLY, ROLE_ADMIN]
Found warnings in cluster configuration:
* WarningInfo{code=UNKNOWN_SERVICE_TYPE, properties={serviceType=KUDU}}
Configuration file passes all validation checks.
Creating a new environment...
Creating external database servers if configured...
Creating a new Cloudera Manager...
Creating a new CDH cluster...
* Requesting an instance for Cloudera Manager ............ done
* Installing screen package (1/1) ..... done
* Running bootstrap script #1 (crc32: 5e2d4d51) ....... done
* Waiting until 2018-01-27T10:45:22.034+09:00 for SSH access to [, ip-10-0-0-142.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal,, ec2-54-65-50-23.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com], default port 22 ... done
* Running bootstrap script #2 (crc32: cb9d7c33) ......... done
* Running bootstrap script #3 (crc32: e61c80e1) ....... done
* Waiting until 2018-01-27T10:45:22.091+09:00 for SSH access to [, ip-10-0-0-142.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal,, ec2-54-65-50-23.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com], default port 22 ... done
* Running bootstrap script #4 (crc32: cb3d995b) ....... done
* Waiting until 2018-01-27T10:45:22.116+09:00 for SSH access to [, ip-10-0-0-142.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal,, ec2-54-65-50-23.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com], default port 22 ... done
* Running bootstrap script #5 (crc32: b9b25b8d) ....... done
* Waiting until 2018-01-27T10:45:22.143+09:00 for SSH access to [, ip-10-0-0-142.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal,, ec2-54-65-50-23.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com], default port 22 ... done
* Inspecting capabilities of .... done
* Normalizing bec25839-79c2-4404-9431-6dd8fdbb4aaf ... done
* Installing ntp package (1/5) .... done
* Installing curl package (2/5) .... done
* Installing nscd package (3/5) .... done
* Installing rng-tools package (4/5) .... done
* Installing gdisk package (5/5) ...................................... done
* Resizing instance root partition ........ done
* Mounting all instance disk drives ......... done
* Running csd installation script on [, ip-10-0-0-142.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal,, ec2-54-65-50-23.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com] ............ done
* Waiting for new external database servers to start running ... done
* Installing repositories for Cloudera Manager ....... done
* Installing yum-utils package (1/3) .... done
* Installing cloudera-manager-daemons package (2/3) .... done
* Installing cloudera-manager-server package (3/3) ..... done
* Installing krb5-workstation package (1/1) .... done
* Installing cloudera-manager-server-db-2 package (1/1) .... done
* Starting embedded PostgreSQL database ..... done
* Starting Cloudera Manager server ... done
* Waiting for Cloudera Manager server to start .... done
* Setting Cloudera Manager License ... done
* Enabling Enterprise Trial ... done
* Configuring Cloudera Manager ... done
* Importing Kerberos admin principal credentials into Cloudera Manager ... done
* Deploying Cloudera Manager agent ...... done
* Waiting for Cloudera Manager to deploy agent on ...... done
* Setting up Cloudera Management Services .......... done
* Backing up Cloudera Manager Server configuration ...... done
* Inspecting capabilities of ... done
* Running deployment post creation scripts ............. done
* Done ...
Cloudera Manager ready.
* Waiting for Cloudera Manager installation to complete ............ done
* Installing Cloudera Manager agents on all instances in parallel (20 at a time) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... done
* Creating CDH5 cluster using the new instances ...... done
* Creating cluster: cdsw-secure-cluster ........... done
* Downloading parcels: CDH-5.14.0-1.cdh5.14.0.p0.24,KAFKA-3.0.0-,Anaconda-4.3.1,SPARK2-2.2.0.cloudera2-1.cdh5.12.0.p0.232957 ............................................................................................................................................................ done
* Raising rate limits for parcel distribution to 256000KB/s with 5 concurrent uploads ... done
* Distributing parcels: KAFKA-3.0.0-,Anaconda-4.3.1,SPARK2-2.2.0.cloudera2-1.cdh5.12.0.p0.232957,CDH-5.14.0-1.cdh5.14.0.p0.24 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... done
* Switching parcel distribution rate limits back to defaults: 51200KB/s with 25 concurrent uploads ..... done
* Activating parcels: KAFKA-3.0.0-,Anaconda-4.3.1,SPARK2-2.2.0.cloudera2-1.cdh5.12.0.p0.232957,CDH-5.14.0-1.cdh5.14.0.p0.24 .................................................................. done
* Creating cluster services ...... done
* Assigning roles to instances ....... done
* Automatically configuring services and roles ...... done
* Applying custom configurations of services .... done
* Configuring HIVE database ... done
* Configuring SENTRY database ... done
* Configuring Hive to use Sentry ... done
* Configuring HUE database ... done
* Configuring OOZIE database ... done
* Creating role config groups, applying custom configurations and moving roles to created role config groups ... done
* Renaming role config group from DataNode Default Group to DATANODE worker Group iAkUADIN ... done
* Configuring role config groups of type NODEMANAGER ... done
* Renaming role config group from NodeManager Default Group to NODEMANAGER worker Group GRASHRUm ... done
* Renaming role config group from Tablet Server Default Group to KUDU_TSERVER worker Group xDb0l4tE ... done
* Renaming role config group from NameNode Default Group to NAMENODE master Group thn1VRCv ... done
* Configuring role config groups of type SECONDARYNAMENODE ... done
* Renaming role config group from SecondaryNameNode Default Group to SECONDARYNAMENODE master Group lxIjAI0X ... done
* Renaming role config group from ResourceManager Default Group to RESOURCEMANAGER master Group mqgs1lxS ... done
* Renaming role config group from Hive Metastore Server Default Group to HIVEMETASTORE master Group ZQyzYlmK ... done
* Configuring role config groups of type KUDU_MASTER ... done
* Enabling Kerberos ....................................................................................................................................................... done
* Preparing cluster cdsw-secure-cluster ..... done
* Creating Sentry Database .................................. done
* Calling firstRun on cluster cdsw-secure-cluster .... done
* Waiting for firstRun on cluster cdsw-secure-cluster .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... done
* Starting Flume in cluster cdsw-secure-cluster ... done
* Waiting for CD-FLUME-KlrjlJLn to start .................................................... done
* Running instance post create scripts in parallel (20 at a time) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... done
* Adjusting health thresholds to take into account optional instances. ..................................... done
* Done ...
Cluster ready.

$ ./get_cluster_ip.sh cdsw-secure-cluster.conf
[Cloudera Manager]
Public IP:    Private IP:

    master    Public IP:    Private IP:
    worker    Public IP:    Private IP:
    worker    Public IP:    Private IP:
    worker    Public IP:    Private IP:
      cdsw    Public IP:    Private IP:

CDSW URL: http://cdsw.

[SSH Tunnel for Dynamic Port Forwarding]
ssh -i your-aws-sshkey.pem -D 8157 -q centos@

$ ssh -i your-aws-sshkey.pem -D 8157 -q centos@

After above, you can access to http://cdsw. (IP changes every time) from your web browser via SSH SOCKS Proxy (See https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/director/latest/topics/director_security_socks.html).

How to use CDSW

  • Access to CDSW from browser.
  • Click "Sign Up for a New Account" and create a new account. This username doesn't relate to existing OS users or Kerberos principals. Therefore you can create any users.
  • After logging in, authenticate against your cluster’s Kerberos KDC by going to the top-right dropdown menu and clicking Settings -> Hadoop Authentication. You can use the prepared principals user1@HADOOP and so on. Please read the following "Users and Authentication" section.
    • e.g.)
    • Principal: user1@HADOOP
    • Password: user1

Users and Authentication

  • OS and CDH users, principals
    • Demo users are created in the postcreate-common-addusers-and-principals.sh script.
    • By default, this script creates five demo users and principals.
    • username/password = user1/user1, user2/user2, user3/user3, admin1/admin1, admin2/admin2
    • admin1 and admin2 are in the same group dba.
    • The realm name creating by this script is HADOOP.
  • Cloudera Manager/Cloudera Navigator
    • username/password = admin/admin
  • CDSW users
    • You need to create CDSW user when you access to CDSW from your browser.

CDSW w/ GPU Support

If you want to use GPU from CDSW, you can use cdsw-gpu-secure-cluster.conf instead of cdsw-secure-cluster.conf

$ cloudera-director bootstrap-remote cdsw-gpu-secure-cluster.conf --lp.remote.username=admin --lp.remote.password=admin --lp.remote.hostAndPort=localhost:7189

By default, this conf boot up p2.xlarge instance.

You also need to create a custom CUDA-capable Engine Image. https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/data-science-workbench/latest/topics/cdsw_gpu.html#custom_cuda_engine

I already built a sample CUDA-capable engine image. If you want to use my image (takabow/cdsw-cuda:2) instead of base engine, you can add the image by going to the top-right dropdown menu and clicking Admin -> Engines -> Engine Images.

For more details, please read the following document. https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/data-science-workbench/latest/topics/cdsw_gpu.html

EC2 Instances

If you change instance type, you can modify first section of cdsw-secure-cluster.conf. But I think these instances are almost minimal.

INSTANCE_TYPE_CM:        t2.xlarge    #vCPU 4, RAM 16G
INSTANCE_TYPE_MASTER:    t2.large     #vCPU 2, RAM 8G
INSTANCE_TYPE_WORKER:    t2.large     #vCPU 2, RAM 8G
INSTANCE_TYPE_CDSW:      t2.2xlarge   #vCPU 8, RAM 32G

WORKER_NODE_NUM:         3            #Number of Worker Nodes


CDSW node

On the CDSW node, you can check the status of CDSW using cdsw status. The following example is the status of cdsw status after installation finished.

$ sudo cdsw status
cdsw status
Sending detailed logs to [/tmp/cdsw_status_HAmpRL.log] ...
CDSW Version: [1.3.0:9bb84f6]
OK: Application running as root check
OK: Sysctl params check
|        NAME       |   STATUS   |           CREATED-AT          |   VERSION   |   EXTERNAL-IP   |          OS-IMAGE         |         KERNEL-VERSION         |   GPU   |   STATEFUL   |
|   ip-10-0-0-167   |    True    |   2018-01-28 14:40:09+00:00   |   v1.6.11   |       None      |   CentOS Linux 7 (Core)   |   3.10.0-514.16.1.el7.x86_64   |    0    |     True     |
1/1 nodes are ready.
|                    NAME                   |   READY   |    STATUS   |   RESTARTS   |           CREATED-AT          |     POD-IP     |    HOST-IP     |   ROLE   |
|             etcd-ip-10-0-0-167            |    1/1    |   Running   |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:41:34+00:00   |   |   |   None   |
|        kube-apiserver-ip-10-0-0-167       |    1/1    |   Running   |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:40:08+00:00   |   |   |   None   |
|   kube-controller-manager-ip-10-0-0-167   |    1/1    |   Running   |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:40:07+00:00   |   |   |   None   |
|         kube-dns-3911048160-krs31         |    3/3    |   Running   |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:40:24+00:00   |   |   |   None   |
|              kube-proxy-lzq95             |    1/1    |   Running   |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:40:24+00:00   |   |   |   None   |
|        kube-scheduler-ip-10-0-0-167       |    1/1    |   Running   |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:40:07+00:00   |   |   |   None   |
|      node-problem-detector-v0.1-h8mbg     |    1/1    |   Running   |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:41:48+00:00   |   |   |   None   |
|              weave-net-91xmq              |    2/2    |   Running   |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:40:24+00:00   |   |   |   None   |
All required pods are ready in cluster kube-system.
|                  NAME                  |   READY   |     STATUS    |   RESTARTS   |           CREATED-AT          |      POD-IP     |    HOST-IP     |           ROLE           |
|         cron-1906902965-qxnjd          |    1/1    |    Running    |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:41:47+00:00   |   |   |           cron           |
|          db-1165222207-99m93           |    1/1    |    Running    |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:41:47+00:00   |   |   |            db            |
|        db-migrate-9bb84f6-6lhbr        |    0/1    |   Succeeded   |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:41:47+00:00   |   |   |        db-migrate        |
|           engine-deps-ctmvq            |    1/1    |    Running    |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:41:47+00:00   |   |   |       engine-deps        |
|   ingress-controller-684706958-zl9l3   |    1/1    |    Running    |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:41:47+00:00   |   |   |    ingress-controller    |
|        livelog-2502658797-ltqg5        |    1/1    |    Running    |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:41:47+00:00   |   |   |         livelog          |
|      reconciler-2738760185-lqlmz       |    1/1    |    Running    |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:41:47+00:00   |   |   |        reconciler        |
|       spark-port-forwarder-mx286       |    1/1    |    Running    |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:41:48+00:00   |   |   |   spark-port-forwarder   |
|          web-3320989329-698m4          |    1/1    |    Running    |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:41:48+00:00   |   |   |           web            |
|          web-3320989329-cqtpz          |    1/1    |    Running    |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:41:48+00:00   |   |   |           web            |
|          web-3320989329-gwmfm          |    1/1    |    Running    |      0       |   2018-01-28 14:41:48+00:00   |   |   |           web            |
All required pods are ready in cluster default.
All required Application services are configured.
All required config maps are ready.
All required secrets are available.
Persistent volumes are ready.
Persistent volume claims are ready.
Ingresses are ready.
Checking web at url: http://cdsw.
OK: HTTP port check
Cloudera Data Science Workbench is ready!