
A 2D-platformer-shooter-adventure-hybrid game. Pre-alpha.

Primary LanguageC++

(NOTICE: If you're viewing this from Github, you do not have the things
 required to build or run this.  See http://wall.org/~lewis/games/rata for
 some runnable demo tarballs.  This project is not at this time intended
 for public consumption, so use only at your own risk.)

Requirements (currently)
	1.6GHz CPU
	GPU that can do simple 2D OpenGL at 60fps, preferably with VSYNC
	Opengl extension GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
	In lib folder:

	Run the executable named test.

              A :  move left
              D :  move right
              W :  jump
              S :  kneel, crawl
          Space :  action (enter, pick up, etc.)
     Move Mouse :  look around
        L-click :  examine
R-click/L-Shift :  aim weapon
        L-click :  (while aiming) fire weapon
              P :  pause
         Escape :  quit