Python script to display cpu usage of RaspberryPi via Pimoroni's PiGlow add on board
This script illumiates each colour 'ring' of LED's on the PiGlow board in the following cycle:
White (Inner Ring) Blue Green Yellow Orange Red (Outter Ring)
The delay between cycling colours and colour intensity are both governed by the current CPU load %. When idle the colours are dim and change every 1.2 seconds, however when the CPU is under maxium load the colours are at their brightest and change every 0.1 seconds.
This script is dependant on the following packages:
SMBus - is required to communicate over i2c with the PiGlow board psutil - is required to get current CPU usage
These can be instaled by executing the following command:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-smbus python-psutil -y
You'll also need to enable the i2c driver by editing the '/etc/modules' file
sudo nano /etc/modules
And ensure the following lines are in the file:
i2c-dev i2c-bcm2708
And you'll need to edit the '/etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf' file
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf
You must comment out the blacklisted items by adding a '#' to the front of the lines:
#blacklist spi-bcm2708 #blacklist i2c-bcm2708
You'll need to reboot the Pi for the changes to take effect:
sudo reboot
Jonathan Williamson (@pimoroni) - Thanks for creating the PiGlow board and all the assistance with writing the script
Jason Barnett (@Boeeerb) - Thanks for creating the python module - without it this script just wouldnt work.