
Highly opinionated Reveal.js presentation compiler

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Asciidoc-2-Reveal (A2R)

A highly opinionated transformer for .adoc files to turn them into self-contained Reveal.js presentations


Because the asciidoc-reveal plugin is opinionated, and the opinions behind it clash with mine.

What to expect?

A2R is a CLI tool that takes a .adoc file as input and generates a single HTML file with a Reveal.js presentation inside.

You can find a lot more information in the presentation deck, but of course it's meant to be turned into a Reveal.js presentation 😉.

I plan to generate GitHub pages for it once I publish the repository and CLI tool.


A tool ain't opinionated without opinions, here goes:

  • Presentation decks should rely on open standards: a2r builds HTML
  • Nobody has the time or will to write pure HTML: a2r uses Asciidoc
  • Developers want hackable solutions with sane defaults: a2r is hackable, defaults are designed for the targeted audience, devs
  • 1MB is too heavy for a deck aimed at a technical audience: a2r has a relatively raw size (200kB) and encourages use of light image formats
  • A deck should be a double-clickable single-file and work everywhere: a2r creates an auto-contained HTML file
  • Chrome is an unwanted monopoly: a2r build target is Firefox, one of the very few alternatives that devs actually use. I might add other targets in the future, this part is still to be defined

Targeted audience

Basically, this is a personal tool, you are free to use it (it's licensed under Apache 2.0) but don't expect changes that don't fit my needs.

This is a personal project and I don't intend to spend any time on it if I'm not gaining enough value for the time I put in.


If after reading all of the above, you still want to use the tool, here's how:

npm install --global '@quilicicf/asciidoc-2-reveal' # Install globally
a2r --help                                          # Display general help
a2r build --help                                    # Display help for command build
a2r watch \
  --input-file '/path/to/deck.adoc' \
  --output-file '/path/to/deck.html' \
  --assets-folder 'assets'                          # Watch for changes in deck/assets & live-reload open decks