
multi-device, bonjour-capable monome OSC server

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

                 _       _                _
   ___  ___ _ __(_) __ _| | ___  ___  ___| |
  / __|/ _ \ '__| |/ _` | |/ _ \/ __|/ __| |
  \__ \  __/ |  | | (_| | | (_) \__ \ (__|_|
  |___/\___|_|  |_|\__,_|_|\___/|___/\___(_)

   serialosc is an osc server for yr monome

   it is a daemon that waits for you to
   plug a monome in, then it spawns off a
   dedicated server process to route OSC
   messages to and from your monome.  it
   also advertises a _monome-osc._udp
   service over zeroconf (bonjour).
