This project makes use of AWS CDK to spin up an AWS environment with standard demo, and custom resources like Admin & Shadwow Admin users, groups & roles, together with a Fargate app service
Standard Demo
- 4 Users (Mike, John, Robert & YOURSELF) will be created
- 2 Groups (Developers & Admins)
- 1 IAM Role
Custom Resources
- Admin Role
- Admin User
- Admin Group
- Shadow Admin Role
- Shadow Admin User
- Shadow Admin Group
Demo Fargate App (Optional)
- ECS Cluster
- Fargate all with LB
- Leverage Admin role for its role
- Install AWS CLI Client
- Install AWS Cloud Development Kit
- Create a pair of access-key & secret key if you don't have one
- Set the AWS region of your AWS env by execute
aws configure
and pick a region for your demo
$ aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: json
- Download this repo
- In the root folder of the repo, execute
npm i -D @types/node typescript ts-node
to download the dependancies.
It is required to be done once and takes about 5 mins. - Review
, review & update the configuration section The varaibles should be self-explanatory.
* Configuration
// General Settings
const STACK_NAME = "AP-"; // Consider the stack name is the prefix of the resource names
// Standard Demo Setup
const DEMO_USER_ROBERT = "Robert";
const DEMO_USER_MIKE = "Mike";
const DEMO_USER_JOHN = "John";
const DEMO_USER_YOURSELF = "YOURSELF"; //Change it to your own name
const DEMO_GROUP_DEVELOPERS = "Developers";
const DEMO_GROUP_ADMINS = "Admins";
const DEMO_IAM_ROLE = "AWS-ServiceRole-ECSFullAccess";
const DEMO_IDP_ROLE = "AWS-IDP-AdminAccess-Role";
// Custom Roles, Users & Groups
const ADMIN_ROLE_NAME = "MyAdminRole";
const ADMIN_USER_NAME = "MyAdminUser";
const ADMIN_GROUP_NAME = "MyAdminGroup";
const ADMIN_POLICY_NAME = "MyAdminPolicy";
const SHADOW_ROLE_NAME = "MyShadowRole";
const SHADOW_USER_NAME = "MyShadowUser";
const SHADOW_GROUP_NAME = "MyShadowGroup";
const SHADOW_POLICY_NAME = "MyShadowPolicy";
// Demo Fargate App
const IS_DEPLOY_FARGATE_APP = false; //Set to true to deploy demo Fargate app; default to false to save spin-up time & resources
const APP_VPC = "MyVPC";
const APP_CLUSTER = "MyCluster";
const APP_FARGATE_SERVICE = "MyFargateService";
const APP_IMAGE_NAME = "amazon/amazon-ecs-sample";
- Execute
cdk synth
to verify & emits the synthesized CloudFormation template - Execute
cdk deploy
to spin up the environment, it'll take about 3-10 mins, depends on the selected configuration
Execute cdk destroy
to remove the demo environment on AWS.