This project is being developed as part of non-commercial research into voting behaviour and sentiment within the local council of Medway in the United Kingdom.
- web scraping of 2023 Medway Council local election results (with local caching)
- data ETL
- ward and candidate analysis
- Python
- requests
- Beautiful Soup
- pandas
- matplotlib
- Jupyter Notebook
Download from National Archives - convert to GeoJSON
- Get the mapping files from the National Archives
[Archived site]
- Extract ZIP and convert (projected coordiante) shp file to GeoJSON
import geopandas
myshpfile = geopandas.read_file('data/Medway_final_proposals.shp')
myshpfile.to_file('Medway.geojson', driver='GeoJSON')
Source: [StackOverflow] How to get lat and lon from a GeoPandas geodataframe polygon
Alternative method for generating SVG file
- Download Medway Boundary map from LGBC
- Import PDF into Inkscape
- Edit layers
Any Boundary-Line data owned by Ordance Survey that forms part of this repo falls under the Ordance Survey OpenData initiative and is subject to the terms of Open Government License linked below.
Local Government Boundary Commission - Medway Boundary Map (April 2023)
- boundary map for 2023 Medway Local Elections
Medway Elects
- Medway Election results and analysis
Mapping files