Fresh Programming Language
A custom lisp dialect intepreter
First written in Python, and being rewritten in Haskell
Example Fibonacci indexer:
(function fibr [count current old]
(if (< count 2)
(fibr (- count 1) (+ current old) current)
(function fib [index]
(fibr index 1 0)
(function main []
(fib 4)
cd python
- true and false
- (not true) false - negate given boolean
- (and false true true) false - "and" any number of booleans together
- (or false true true) true - "or" any number of booleans together
- (+ 4 3 3) 10 - add any number of ints
- (- 5 1 1) 3 - subtract any number of ints from the first int
- (* 2 2 2) 8 - multiply any number of ints
- (= 2 2 3) false - return true if any number of ints are equal
- (> 5 4 3) true - return true if any number of ints are in descending order
- (< 4 3 4) false - return true if any number of ints are in ascending order
- (if true 4 0) 4 - branch based on condition
- (define a 4) (function main [] (+ a 1)) 5 - define a mapping in the environment for later reference
- (function main [] (lambda [num] (+ num 1))) - returns a lambda that will add one to it's single argument when called
- (define square (lambda [i] (* i i)))(function main [] (square 5)) 25 - assign a lambda to a variable to reference later
- (struct x y) - returns a struct node that has members "x" and "y"
- (define person (struct height weight))(define quinten (person 178 77))(function main [] quinten) - returns a struct instantiation of a "person" with members "height" and "weight"
- (define person (struct height weight))(define quinten (person 178 77))(function main [] (member quinten height)) - returns the "person" "quinten"s "height" which is 178
- Implement type checker
- Add methods to structs to support classes