
The dart sdk for riscv64


Linux x86_64 (Ubuntu)

Install build tools:

sudo apt-get install git python3 curl g++-riscv64-linux-gnu

Install Chromium's depot tools:

git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git
export PATH="$PATH:$PWD/depot_tools"

Get the dart sdk:

mkdir dart-sdk
cd dart-sdk
fetch dart

Patch the build files:

cd sdk
sed -i '/-Werror/d' runtime/BUILD.gn
sed -i '/-Wno-unused-private-field/d' runtime/BUILD.gn
sed -i '/-Werror/d' build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn

Build the sdk. Note that you don't need to add the g++ suffix to the riscv64 cross compiler path.

./tools/build.py --no-goma --no-clang -m release -a riscv64 -t riscv64=/usr/bin/riscv64-linux-gnu- create_sdk