
Setup Digital Ocean droplets for GDI Classes

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Setup DigitalOcean droplets for GDI Classes


Cheat Sheet

To change the image and/or size, check what images and sizes are available in your account by:

$ vagrant digitalocean-list images ${OCEANTOKEN}
$ vagrant digitalocean-list sizes ${OCEANTOKEN}

For more information about the digital_ocean Vagrant plugin, please refer to their README.

Building/Destroying the DigitalOcean Droplet

To start a DigitalOcean droplet, you will need to clone this repository and save your DigitalOcean token in tokens/digitaloceantoken as OCEANTOKEN. (Here is DigitalOcean's documentation explaining how to create the token.)

$ source tokens/digitaloceantoken
$ vagrant up

When you are done, remember to run vagrant destroy from within the project repository to tear down the environment. DigitalOcean charges for spinning up droplets and although the per-hour cost is very low, you might incur unexpected expenses if you forget to destroy your droplet(s).

Admin Duties

If you wish students to be able to ssh into the student envrionment using a password instead of an SSH key, remember to enable PasswordAuthentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

To setup the student accounts where each student has mysql, postgresql, and chinook-mysql Docker containers, run the scripts/setup script on the student environment droplet. Pass the desired default password (for all student accounts) as a parameter:

$ curl -o /root/setup \
$ chmod 0755 setup
$ ./setup ${default-password}

If unspecified, the default password will be p@ssw0rd.

If you are a student setting up this environment for yourself, then I'd recommend editing the script to only create a student account rather than all 10 student accounts and an instructor account to save time.

Accessing the containers

By default,scripts/setup will create 10 student accounts and an instructor account as well as mysql, postgresql, and chinook-mysql Docker containers for each user. The containers are named by appending the account username to the Docker container type, e.g. chinook-mysql-student1. To access a specific Docker container, run the following:

$ docker exec -it ${container_name} /bin/bash

To view all the containers for your user, run:

$ docker ps | grep $(whoami)