
Go app converts Markdown files to HTML/impressJS presentations

Primary LanguageGo



Go app inspired by mdpress - converts Markdown files to HTML/impressJs presentations.


Quick and easy installation:

go install github.com/quintessence/gopress

You will also need the cssJS.tar file (do not rename this file). There are a few different ways to do this:

Via the command line

wget https://github.com/quintessence/gopress/raw/master/cssJS.tar

Mac users: If you do not already have wget, please run:

brew install wget

In GitHub's GUI

You can right-click on the file link and select "Save Link As..."

Option for Chrome users: GitHub Mate

Install link and documentation are located at the project repo. Once installed, you can download the file by clicking on it.


To run gopress, you only need to specify the input file. If there is no output directory specified, a new directory named after the input file will be created in your current working directory where the output files will be stored.

gopress -inputFile=/path/to/myfile.md

How to use multiple files

There are two ways to convert multiple Markdown files to HTML presentations. The first is using a comma separated list:

gopress -inputFile=/path/to/myfile.md,/path/to/mysecondfile.md

The second is using the -all flag, which grabs all Markdown files in the specified directory:

gopress -inputFile=/path/to/files/ -all

Specify an Output Directory

If you would like to store the output to a specific subdirectory, then use the outputDir flag:

gopress -inputFile=/path/to/myfile.md -outputDir=/path/to/output

When an output directory is specified, by default the application will not create a new subdirectory in that directory - gopress will simply use the specified directory. If you would like it to create a subdirectory in the parent directory, then use the newDir flag:

gopress -inputFile=/path/to/myfile.md -outputDir=/path/to/output -newDir

This will create a new subdirectory named "myfile" in /path/to/output. You can also use the newDir flag without outputDir and gopress will create the new "myfile" directory in the input directory.


The cssJS.tar file contains all the CSS and JS needed to run the presentation. By default, gopress expects this file to be in the same directory as the input file(s). If it is not, you can use the cssDir flag to specify its location:

gopress -inputFile=/path/to/myfile.md -cssDir=/path/to/cssJS.tar

You should not change the name or untar these files (the application handles this).

Custom CSS

gopress will look for a custom.css file in the same directory as your input file. If no custom.css file is present, then the default attributes will be used as defined in css/style.css. Please keep in mind that the CSS from this file is being added to the header of the HTML presentation file.


Locally stored images must be in an images subdirectory of where your input file is stored. This is because the images used in the presentation will be copied to the images subdirectory of the presentation's HTML file. Please note that only the following raster extensions are supported - there are no vector extensions currently supported:

  • BMP
  • BPG
  • GIF
  • PBM, PGM, PPM, and PNM
  • PNG
  • TIFF
  • WEBP


By default, the logging level is set to "info". To change the logging level use the log flag:

gopress -inputFile=/path/to/myfile.md -log=error
gopress -inputFile=/path/to/myfile.md -log=none

Allowed values are: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency, and none. Logging level must be lowercase.