
Prometheus exporter for ecs running on ec2

Primary LanguageGo

Prometheus exporter for exporting metric from instances registered to ecs cluster and ecs services running on EC2. Exported metrics :

  • task_def_version - Current task def version of the service.
  • desired_count - Current desired_count for the service.
  • running_count - Current running count for the service.
  • failed_count - Number of deployment falures in current PRIMARY deployment
  • cpu_remaining - The number of cpu units remaning on a cluster instance
  • memory_remaining - The memory remaining on a cluster instance
  • running_tasks - The number of tasks currently running on the instance
  • pending_tasks - The number of tasks currently pending on the instance
  • cpu_per_task - The cpu shares required for the current PRIMARY deploymnt of the task.
  • memory_per_task - The memory reserved for the current PRIMARY deployment of the task.