
Tooltip library for Jetpack Compose

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Sample app screenshot


implementation "com.github.skgmn:composetooltip:0.2.0"

Tooltip method

Tooltip can be either used inside ConstraintLayout or displayed as a popup.


Basic example

ConstraintLayout {
    val someImage = createRef()
        painter = painterResource(R.drawable.some_image),
        contentDescription = "Some image"
        modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(someImage) {
            // Place it where you want
        anchor = someImage,
        anchorEdge = AnchorEdge.Top,
    ) {
        Text("This is my image!")

Method signatures

fun ConstraintLayoutScope.Tooltip(
    anchor: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
    anchorEdge: AnchorEdge,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    tooltipStyle: TooltipStyle = rememberTooltipStyle(),
    tipPosition: EdgePosition = remember { EdgePosition() },
    anchorPosition: EdgePosition = remember { EdgePosition() },
    margin: Dp = 8.dp,
    content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit
  • anchor - ConstrainedLayoutReference to locate this tooltip nearby
  • anchorEdge - Can be either of AnchorEdge.Start, AnchorEdge.Top, AnchorEdge.End, or AnchorEdge.Bottom
  • tooltipStyle - Style for tooltip. Can be created by rememberTooltipStyle
  • tipPosition - Tip position relative to balloon
  • anchorPosition - Position on the anchor's edge where the tip points out.
  • margin - Margin between tip and anchor
  • content - Content inside balloon. Typically Text.

Tooltip also supports enter/exit transition using AnimatedVisibility. Because AnimatedVisibility is experimental, this method is also experimental.

fun ConstraintLayoutScope.Tooltip(
    anchor: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
    anchorEdge: AnchorEdge,
    enterTransition: EnterTransition,
    exitTransition: ExitTransition,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    visible: Boolean = true,
    tooltipStyle: TooltipStyle = rememberTooltipStyle(),
    tipPosition: EdgePosition = remember { EdgePosition() },
    anchorPosition: EdgePosition = remember { EdgePosition() },
    margin: Dp = 8.dp,
    content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit
  • enterTransition - EnterTransition to be applied when the visible becomes true. Types of EnterTransition are listed here.
  • exitTransition - ExitTransition to be applied when the visible becomes false. Types of ExitTransition are listed here.


Box {
    // Some other composables here
    // This Box is a conatiner for anchoring
    Box {
            painter = painterResource(R.drawable.some_image),
            contentDescription = "Some image"
            anchorEdge = AnchorEdge.Top,
        ) {
            Text("This is my image!")

When Tooltip is being displayed as a popup, an anchor and Tooltip should be put altogether inside one composable.

Method signatures

fun Tooltip(
    anchorEdge: AnchorEdge,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    tooltipStyle: TooltipStyle = rememberTooltipStyle(),
    tipPosition: EdgePosition = remember { EdgePosition() },
    anchorPosition: EdgePosition = remember { EdgePosition() },
    margin: Dp = 8.dp,
    onDismissRequest: (() -> Unit)? = null,
    properties: PopupProperties = remember { PopupProperties() },    
    content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit
  • onDismissRequest - Executes when the user clicks outside of the tooltip.
  • properties - PopupProperties for further customization of this tooltip's behavior.

Other parameteres are same as for ConstraintLayout.

There is also an another version of supporting transition.