
This Helm repo contains the charts for the RedHat Discovery product.

Primary LanguageMakefileGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Quipucords Helm Chart Repository

This Helm repository contains the helm charts for the RedHat Discovery product.

This repo can be used for deploying Quipucords using the OpenShift Console UI. Once configured in OpenShift, it will show up as a Chart Repository as follows:

Chart Repositories
 [ ] OpenShift Helm Charts(78)
 [ ] Quipucords Helm Charts(1)

The repository serves its files directly from github via GitHub Pages at the https://quipucords.github.io/quipucords-helm-repo/charts location with the current Chart index https://quipucords.github.io/quipucords-helm-repo/charts/index.yaml

To add the repository to OpenShift, first oc login to your Cluster as kubeadmin, then run the following command from a checked out repo:

$ oc create -f templates/quipucords_charts_repo.yaml

or directly from GitHub Pages as follows:

$ oc create -f https://quipucords.github.io/quipucords-helm-repo/templates/quipucords_charts_repo.yaml

Within a minute, the Discovery Helm Chart will appear in the OpenShift Developer Catalog. You can access the Discovery Helm Chart from the Developer Console, clicking Add -> Helm Chart then typing disc in the Filter for a search, or simply select the Quipucords Helm Charts repository.

Installing Quipucords using the Helm CLI

Altenatively, one can download a specific version of the Helm Chart from this repo and install Discovery by using the Helm CLI.

First, login to the OpenShift cluster and create a project for running discovery. For these examples we will use discovery-qe:

$ oc login https://api.<your_cluster>:6443 -u kubeadmin -p <kubeadmin_password>
$ oc new-project discovery-qe

Next, make sure the Helm CLI is installed:

On Mac:

$ brew install helm

For all others, please visit https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/

For downloading the Discovery image, you need to create a discovery-pull-secret that has the credentials needed to access registry.redhat.io. The secret can be created using oc create secret ... or by using the helper script provided here:

$ mkdir ~/bin
$ curl -k https://quipucords.github.io/discovery-helm-repo/bin/create_pull_secret.sh \
      --output ~/bin/create_pull_secret.sh
$ chmod 755 ~/bin/create_pull_secret.sh
$ create_pull_secret.sh "discovery-pull-secret"

Registry server - registry.redhat.io:
Registry username - <user>: <user-email>
Registry password: ....
Registry user e-mail - <user-email>:

Add another docker server (y/n)?n
Creating pull secret discovery-pull-secret ...
secret/discovery-pull-secret created

Next, look at the chart index in this repo to determine which helm chart version to download. In Chart Index, find the Helm Chart version that reflects the desired appVersion of Discovery.

For example, you can see Helm Chart version 0.9.8 pulls in Discovery 1.7.0.

Then download the appropriate helm chart.

$ mkdir -p ~/discovery-helm
$ cd ~/discovery-helm
$ curl -k https://quipucords.github.io/quipucords-helm-repo/charts/discovery-0.9.8.tgz \
    --output discovery-0.9.8.tgz
$ tar -xzf discovery-0.9.8.tgz
$ ls -FC
discovery/    discovery-0.9.8.tgz

The downloaded and extracted Discovery helm chart 0.9.8 will be in the discovery directory

Finally, install discovery using the Helm CLI:

$ helm install discovery ./discovery --set server.password="EXAMPLE-superadmin1"
NAME: discovery
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Mar  7 16:09:56 2024
NAMESPACE: discovery-qe
STATUS: deployed
NOTES: ...

To uninstall the above release of discovery:

$ helm uninstall discovery
release "discovery" uninstalled

Note that helm list will show the installed Charts in the namespace:

$ helm list
NAME               NAMESPACE        REVISION    UPDATED                                 STATUS      CHART         	  APP VERSION
discovery          discovery-qe     1           2024-04-29 12:11:07.898808 -0500 EST    deployed    discovery-0.9.8   1.7.0