
Spectrum text adventure

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


The idea is to write a text based game on some subject in Spectrum basic for the 48k Spectrum. This is the very definition of a pointless but captivating project. The project started from a throwaway comment on the SoftwareSaved Twitter account: https://twitter.com/SoftwareSaved/statuses/451372973308776448.

Don't know Spectrum basic? Maybe you weren't alive in the 80s? Fortunately the manual have been digitised: http://www.worldofspectrum.org/ZXBasicManual/

Now what?

It's pretty simple:

  1. If you've got an idea for what the game should be about, add it to the appropriate file
  2. We'll have a vote or something to see what the game should be about
  3. We'll crowdsource the writing of the game
  4. Some lucky person will enter it into the Spectrum and we'll see if it works
  5. That's it!