
Search for a movie title. Give it a thumb up or down!... Vote all you want. Your vote counts forever!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Search for any movie title. Give it as many thumbs up or thumbs down you want..., your vote counts forever!

Visit the live site here.

Key Features

  • Users can preview titles of the most recent US top movies on the landing page.
  • Users can search for any movie title and click it to see more information.
  • Users can give as many thumbs up or thumbs down they want to any movie. The vote count will remain forever!
  • Users will find the following information on the movie detail page:
    • Title
    • Description (Plot)
    • IMBd rating
    • Director
    • Release Year
    • Thumbs up and thumbs down counter
    • Running time (if data exists)
    • Budget (if data exists)
    • Revenue (if data exists)

Technologies Used

  • MERN ( MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js)
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS3
  • MongoDB Atlas
  • Mongoose
  • Reach/router
  • External API (The Movie DB)

Search for a movie title

Find the most recent US top movies on the landing page and use the search bar to look up any specific title.


See details of a movie and vote

Select a title for more information, and give that movie a thumb up or thumb down. Vote as many times as you want!
