
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


blucat_am is a python interface to the BlueCat Address Manager software (https://www.bluecatnetworks.com/platform/management/bluecat-address-manager/). It offers both an API and a CLI to simplify management of resources in a BlueCat Address Manager installation

Getting Started

To get started, download the source code from Github:

$ git clone https://github.com/quistian/bamcli.git

Set up a Python3 virtual environment for bamcli to run in:

$ cd bamcli
$ python3 -m venv `pwd`/venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install --upgrade pip
(venv) $ pip install --editable .

Customize your Unix shell (this documentation assumes /bin/sh, /bin/bash or /bin/zsh) environment to set the BAM URL, Username and Password.

(venv) $ cat .example_bamrc
export BAM_USER=fred
export BAM_PW='Flintstones_R_4ever!'
export BAM_API_URL='https://bam.bigcorp.ca/Services/REST/v1/'

(venv) $ mv .example_bamrc .bamrc
(venv) $ vi .bamrc
(venv) $ . .bamrc

The BAM CLI interface will not work with out these SHELL variables being set which serve as your credentials to the BAM.

When finished with the bamcli session, you can exit the Python virtual environment as follows:

(venv) $ deactivate


The CLI operates on one's DNS data Resource Records (RR) using four commands or actions:

  • add
  • delete
  • update
  • view

At present the CLI understands four types of DNS Resource Records:

  • A records for mapping IP addresses
  • CNAME records for creating aliases
  • TXT records for adding text based information
  • MX records for mail exchanger data

The general bamcli syntax is as follows:

bamcli action fqdn RR_type value[,value,value] [ttl]


action is one of the above mentioned four editing operators:

  • add -> adds RRs to the DNS zone. For A records multiple values are permitted.

  • delete/remove -> deletes RRs from the DNS zone. Like A records, multiple values are permitted.

  • update -> updates the values of a given fqdn. All existing data is effectively deleted

  • view/list -> shows the current state of the DNS data

  • fqdn is the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the RR.

  • RR_type is one of: A, CNAME, TXT, MX

  • value is the data associated with the respective FQDN and RRtype.

Note: For TXT records the value must be surrounded by single or double quotes. For MX records the priority is optional and should be given after the value, separated by a comma. The default priority is 10.


bamcli add txt.zip.bigcorp.ca TXT 'Sam I am!'
bamcli add mx.zip.bigcorp.ca MX mailer.zip.bigcorp.ca
bamcli add mx.zip.bigcorp.ca MX secondary.zip.bigcorp.ca:20


Adding Resource Records

First we shall ADD some data to our zone: zip.bigcorp.ca to our network:

(venv) $ bamcli add red.zip.bigcorp.ca  A
(venv) $ bamcli add blue.zip.bigcorp.ca A
(venv) $ bamcli add blue.zip.bigcorp.ca A
(venv) $ bamcli add zip.bigcorp.ca A 10.10.11
(venv) $ bamcli add smtp.zip.bigcorp.ca A
(venv) $ bamcli add rouge.zip.bigcorp.ca CNAME red.zip.bigcorp.ca
(venv) $ bamcli add note.zip.bigcorp.ca TXT "Superman and Batman"
(venv) $ bamcli add zip.bigcorp.ca MX 10,smtp.zip.bigcorp.ca

Records can also be added to the top level:

(venv) $ bamcli add zip.bigcorp.ca MX 10,smtp.zip.bigcorp.ca
(venv) $ bamcli add zip.bigcorp.ca A

Time to Live values can be assigned on a per RR basis (the default being 86400 seconds/1 day) by adding a numeric value as the last argument:

(venv) $ bamcli add tmp.zip.bigcorp.ca A 3600

Updating DNS data

The update action is similar in function to deleting all values associated with a FQDN of a given RRtype and then replacing them with the new ones given.


(venv) $ bamcli update zip.bigcorp.ca. A,
Updated RR as follows:
zip.bigcorp.ca  IN  A
zip.bigcorp.ca  IN  A

Will remove any and all A records associated with zip.bigcorp.ca and add two new one. The result will be:

(venv) $ bamcli view zip.bigcorp.ca A
zip.bigcorp.ca  IN  A
zip.bigcorp.ca  IN  A

The update action can be used to change the Time To Live (TTL) value for a given RR.


(venv) $ bamcli view zip.bigcorp.ca A
zip.bigcorp.ca  IN  A

(venv) $ bamcli update zip.bigcorp.ca A 3600
Updated RR as follows:
zip.bigcorp.ca  IN  3600 A
(venv) $ bamcli view zip.bigcorp.ca A
zip.bigcorp.ca  IN  3600 A

Viewing DNS data

Now we can VIEW the data we have added. To see the entire zone use the top level domain name followed by a dot. (The output is in BIND format).

(venv) $ bamcli view zip.bigcorp.ca.
zip.bigcorp.ca       IN       A
zip.bigcorp.ca       IN       MX     10 smtp.zip.bigcorp.ca
blue.zip.bigcorp.ca  IN       A
blue.zip.bigcorp.ca  IN       A
red.zip.bigcorp.ca   IN       A
tmp.zip.bigcorp.ca   IN  3600 A
rouge.zip.bigcorp.ca IN       CNAME  red.zip.bigcorp.ca
note.zip.bigcorp.ca  IN       TXT    "Superman and Batman"

To see only the data at the top of the zone drop the trailing dot:

(venv) $ bamcli view zip.bigcorp.ca
zip.bigcorp.ca       IN   A
zip.bigcorp.ca       IN   MX     10 smtp.zip.bigcorp.ca

To see all data of the same RR type the value can be dropped from the argument list:

(venv) $ bamcli view blue.zip.bigcorp.ca A
blue.zip.bigcorp.ca       IN   A
blue.zip.bigcorp.ca       IN   A

Viewing Rights

To view all the zones and network address space that one has read and write access to use the word rights as the argument to the view command:

(venv) $ bamcli view rights
CIDR blocks:

Deleting DNS data

Deleting DNS RRs are done in the same manner in which they were added. The general syntax is:

(venv) $ bamcli delete fqdn RR_type value

Here are some examples:

(venv) $ bamcli delete zip.bigcorp.ca A
(venv) $ bamcli delete blue.zip.bigcorp.ca A,
(venv) $ bamcli delete rouge.zip.bigcorp.ca CNAME

Note: CNAME records can be deleted with or without the value as there can only be one record per fqdn.

Batch operations

At the present time bulk operations are managed by creating a file of bamcli commands using file as input to the shell.

(venv) $cat cli-cmds | sh