This is a tool to help create visuals for use in EQX. You can learn more about EQX by visiting its repo at
Navigate to the project's directory and run the following commands to get started.
npm install # This installs all dependencies
gulp # This runs a process that listens for changes and outputs ready to use files in /dist and /for-EQX-upload
You can find a tree of the project below. I've labeled the most important parts.
├── dist # This is where your ready to view files appear
│ └── example.html
├── for-EQX-upload # This is where your final files appear (the files you will upload to EQX that don't have unwanted styling)
│ └── example.html
├── defaults.js # This is where you define your type style defaults
├── partials
│ ├── footer.html
│ └── header.html
├── styles # This is where the CSS is located (we are using .styl but you can write in normal css too)
│ ├── custom.styl # This is where you add your custom CSS
│ ├── remove-for-eqx.styl # This is where you add font files and other css that you don't want included in the EQX export
│ ├── styles.styl # The root file where it all gets put together
│ └── vars.styl # Variables that you can reuse for convenience
└── src # This is where you will create the body of your initial examples
└── example.html