is a command line program to calculate Merkle Tree hashes.
Internally, this is a ultra-thin wrapper for botocore's Merkle Tree implementation.
botocore (low-level interface to AWS) itself uses it for
Glacier API.
Install merkle_tree
use pip
$ sudo pip install merkle_tree
Calculate hash
chunk size is 1MB and sha256 hash function is used.
$ merkle filename 3aef1c637ae8997d84b98f835c193556bca3892e4a6ec1e84dd3e664ecf125e1
If you want a binary hash:
$ merkle --output binary filename | hexdump 0000000 ef3a 631c e87a 7d99 b984 838f 195c 5635 0000010 a3bc 2e89 6e4a e8c1 d34d 64e6 f1ec e125 0000020 000a 0000021
Create an archive to upload
create a test file(2.5MB)
$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=FILENAME bs=1024 count=2560 # 2560 = 1024 * 2.5
Initiate multipart upload
BLOCK_SIZE can be as small as 1MB.
$ BLOCK_SIZE=1048576 # 1048576 = 1MB $ aws glacier initiate-multipart-upload --account-id - --vault-name $VAULT_NAME --part-size $BLOCK_SIZE
If successfull, upload_id will be returned.
split an archive into pieces
BLOCK_SIZE must be same as the one you specified at initiate phase.
$ split -b $BLOCK_SIZE -d FILENAME $ ls -l total 5120 -rw-rw-r-- 1 jsmith jsmith 2621440 Mar 27 00:52 FILENAME -rw-rw-r-- 1 jsmith jsmith 1048576 Mar 27 00:52 x00 -rw-rw-r-- 1 jsmith jsmith 1048576 Mar 27 00:52 x01 -rw-rw-r-- 1 jsmith jsmith 524288 Mar 27 00:52 x02
multipart upload to Glacier
You can upload parts in any order.
$ aws glacier upload-multipart-part --account-id - --vault-name $VAULT_NAME --upload-id $UPLOAD_ID --range 'bytes 0-1048575/*' --body x00 $ aws glacier upload-multipart-part --account-id - --vault-name $VAULT_NAME --upload-id $UPLOAD_ID --range 'bytes 1048576-2097151/*' --body x01 $ aws glacier upload-multipart-part --account-id - --vault-name $VAULT_NAME --upload-id $UPLOAD_ID --range 'bytes 2097152-2621439/*' --body x02
complete multipart upload
Now is the time to use
command!$ CHECKSUM=`merkle FILENAME` $ ARCHIVE_SIZE=`wc -c < FILENAME` $ aws glacier complete-multipart-upload --account-id - --vault-name $VAULT_NAME --upload-id $UPLOAD_ID --archive-size $ARCHIVE_SIZE --checksum $CHECKSUM