
A template for creating beamer in Typst

MIT LicenseMIT

Beamer in Typst

中文 | English


What does it look like?

pic_1 pic_2

or download PDF

How to complile example code

Note: If you use vscode and Typst LSP, it may report an error, that's normal, wait for the plugin to be updated. Linux/Macos

typst --root . c ./example/example.typ


typst --root . c .\example\example.typ

Quick Start

#import "beamer.typ": beamer

#show: beamer.with(
  title: "Write a Beamer Template in Typst",
  author: "qujihan@github",
  date: "2023-07-17",

= First

== Second

= creates a split page, == creates a new page, and the title at the top of each page is the title of =.

