Startalk, The Best open sourced instant messenger software in the world!
Based on Startalk server and client-side, users can build their own domain, Sign up an account, create new domains, add users, download client app, and configure navigation for domain, After the 5 steps above, you own strong IM abilities.
Download client appDownload
- Android
Configure navigation for client appConfigure navigation
Private Cloud is a way for decentralized deployment. Customers or enterprises would deploy the back end code on their own servers, embedding SDK into their own app. Every enterprise is an independent node; every node works independently, and the data would only be saved in the node.
Please see the guide of embedding Android SDK and the configuration below.
buildscript {
repositories {
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
maven {
url ""
maven {
url ""
jcenter {
url ""
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
compile project(':imsdk')//compile ''
Deploy manifestPlaceholders (If your own app can be deployed by any channel, please deploymanifestPlaceholders in buildTypes, or you need to deploy manifestPlaceholders in every flavor)
flavorDimensions "qim"
//Mutiple channels
productFlavors {
startalk {
dimension "qim"
manifestPlaceholders = [
PACKAGE_NAME : "",//Replace it with the application ID of your own project
serverDoMain : true,
baiduMap :"xxxxx",//key of Baidu map (for sending location)
HUAWEI_APPID : "123",//HUAWEI push
OPPO_APP_ID : "123",//OPPO push
OPPO_APP_KEY : "123",
MIPUSH_APP_ID : "123",//XIAOMI push
MEIZU_APP_ID : "123",//MEIZU push
MEIZU_APP_KEY : "123",
VIVO_APP_ID : "123",//vivoo
VIVO_APP_KEY : "123",
SCHEME : "qtalkaphone",
currentPlat : "QTalk",
MAIN_SCHEMA : "start_qtalk_activity"
// QChat
qchat {
dimension "qim"
manifestPlaceholders = [
PACKAGE_NAME : "",//Replace it with the application ID of your own project
serverDoMain : false,
baiduMap :"xxxxx",//key of Baidu map (for sending location)
HUAWEI_APPID : "123",//HUAWEI push
OPPO_APP_ID : "123",//OPPO push
OPPO_APP_KEY : "123",
MIPUSH_APP_ID : "123",//xiaomi push
MEIZU_APP_ID : "123",//meizu push
MEIZU_APP_KEY : "123",
VIVO_APP_ID : "123",//vivoo
VIVO_APP_KEY : "123",
SCHEME : "qchataphone",
currentPlat : "QChat",
MAIN_SCHEMA : "start_qchat_activity",
Please see the AndroidManifest configuration in app
First, please initialize SDK. Then configure the navigation Url and log in。
1.Initialize SDK
QIMSdk.getInstance().init(Application application)
2.Configure navigation Ur
QIMSdk.getInstance().setNavigationUrl(String url)
3.Log in with username and password
QIMSdk.getInstance().login(String uid,String password,LoginStatesListener loginStatesListener)
4.Auto login (save usernames in the local cache to achieve auto login after token
QIMSdk.getInstance().autoLogin(LoginStatesListener loginStatesListener)
5.log out
6.Turn on debug mode
Please see schemescheme doc
Depending on your ProGuard (DexGuard) config and usage, you may need to include the following lines in your proguard.cfg
-dontwarn com.mqunar.**
-keep class com.mqunar.**{*;}
-dontwarn com.qunar.**
-keep class com.qunar.**{*;}
- Minimum Android SDK: QTalk SDK requires a minimum API level of 16.
- Compile Android SDK: QTalk SDK requires you to compile against API 26 or later.
Add android.enableAapt2=false in “”
error:style attribute '@android:attr/windowEnterAnimation' not found.
Message{kind=ERROR, text=error: style attribute '@android:attr/windowEnterAnimation' not found.
Add style below in “values styles.xml” in the main project
<style name="SplashTheme" parent="AppTheme">
<item name="android:windowIsTranslucent">true</item>
error:No resource found that matches the given name (at 'theme' with value '@style/SplashTheme').