This is our setup in the challenge FLARE2021. This work is inherited directly from the MMSegmentation Repo
We exploit the robustness of HRNet + OCRNet in our pipeline. The slices of 3D image are splitted into 2D images and then they are fed to the trained model. Also, keeping in mind that the running speed and memory cost also matter, we convert the model into Torch Script format.
pip install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.9.0 -f
pip install mmcv-full -f
pip install nibabel
pip install Pillow
pip install -U scikit-learn
pip install -e .
Firstly, you need to download our pretrained model from Google Drive and put them anywhere.
In order to reproduce the result, run the following
python script/ --model MODEL_PATH --input INPUT --output OUTPUT
You will need to adapt the corresponding path to your TorchScript model, your folder that contains .nii files and folder that are supposed to contain the .nii output.
Note: We have made our Docker public in DockerHub. This Docker image can also be used to reproduce the inference result.
Pulling from DockerHub
docker pull quoccuongcs/uit_vnu
Create a container and run inference with
docker container run --gpus "device=1" --name uit_vnu --rm -v $PWD/inputs/:/workspace/inputs/ -v $PWD/TeamName_outputs/:/workspace/outputs/ quoccuongcs/uit_vnu:latest /bin/bash -c "sh"
Suppose you have a dataset whose format are .nii files, you need to convert them to 2D images. We have provided our structured FLARE2021 dataset here.
After downloading the zip file above, as well as unzipping it into data
folder, you should have something like following:
│ train.txt
│ val.txt
│ │ 001_0000.png
│ │ ...
│ │ 001_0000.png
│ │ ...
│___ ...
You also need to modify the script/
as follows:
- Line 43 represents image's path
- Line 44 represents label mask's path
- Line 77 represents data folder's path
- Line 141 represents path where the model will be saved. The current file has been hard-coded for your convenience.
Finally, you can run the training script:
python script/
To convert trained models to Torch Script format, use the following command with the corresponding paths
python script/ --in_model INPUT_MODEL --out_model OUTPUT_MODEL
In the command above, INPUT_MODEL
is the path to .pth file and OUTPUT_MODEL
is the path to .pt file. For example: python script/ --in_model ./weight/latest.pth --out_model ./weight/