
Primary LanguagePython

FireGroup Testing

A simple API to update Launch Configuration in Auto Scaling Group with new AMI.

How to use


We just need to build and run Dockerfile

docker build -t <image_name>:<image_tag> .
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name container_name -e ACCESS_KEY=<access_key> -e SECRET_KEY=<secret_key> -e REGION=<region> <image_name>:<image_tag>

after that, to using it we can access:


With CI

We can using Github Action or Jenkins to create a pipeline include some steps below:

  • Pull new code when we has new commit or merge into master branch
  • Checking syntax our code and Dockerfile
  • Run unit test if we have
  • Build and push docker image to docker hub, ECR or our private docker registry

With CD

We can use ArgoCD as tool for CD process, but need to prepare some stuff for that:

  • First, we need to create a repo to save our manifests (helm or kustomize) of kubernetes.
  • Second, with our simple api, we just need to create some simple resources like deployment, services, ingress and secrets for AWS key.
  • Create Application resource for ArgoCD to update and deploy our manifests whenever we update config on manifests repo