
This repository uses to demo how to run automation test using Selenium and Selenium Grid.


Note: Before you run into this example, make sure you install Docker and docker-compose.

  1. Run docker-compose up to install all neccessary resource.
  2. Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and add a row to host file like this
[YOUR_IP_ADDRESS] testserver.local
  1. Goes to Automation.Test\Automation.Test.Sample Uses directory and run dotnet command dotnet test to execute the test.

How to build your own test case?

  1. In Automation.Test.Sample project, create your test page inherit from PageBase and IPageObject. This includes all web element and all method of your page.
  2. Open Pages.cs then add your page object to this class. This is a wrapper class includes all test page object of your website.
  3. Create your scenario class inherit from IClassFixture<SampleFixture> then define your test case. Note: You can create your own (Fixture)[https://xunit.net/docs/shared-context] class.